In a military information system of training or tactics, an after-action-review
However, the user interface can only provide the "straightforward" information for users. For example, during a simulator, the user can ask "What is your location/health condition/current task"? All of these are only the attribution in the system that's not difficult to retrieve and display. In today, with the data mining and machine techniques, many of the attribution are lacking of a straightforward way to explain it. For instance, a decision made by targeting system with a deep, multiple layer neunor network, with a hundred rounds or training and testing. In this case, to provide the explain of why choose A instead B would be a more challenge issue.
For national security and military purpose, this issue is even more critical in following aspects: 1) for training purpose: if the users have no idea how the system works, it is impossible for users to interact or even correct the wrong decision make by the system or algorithm; 2) accountability: if the system made a wrong decision, it is hard to account the responsibility between human and machine; 3) security issue: if all the data process and analysis are in a block box, there is a security concern to use the technique in the real world environment - no one knows if the system was hacked or wormed.
The military system seems far away from us, but actually, the similar issue has been discussed for personalized system in [2]. There are several main issues for a personalized system without a "scrutinize and control": privacy, invisibility, error correction, compatibility across systems and controllability. It seems to have an overlapping between the two research directions. In personalized system, the research focus on the intractability of the user modeling to help with the system effective, trust, transparency and comprehensive. In explainable artificial intelligence systems, it more focus on AAR for military purpose. For example, in [3], it provided another case of how the exploitation of AAR help users in the medical training session, for self-evaluation and problem-solving. The explainable AI system plays an educational role for training purpose.
Either of the two directions, plus the state-of-the art machine learning techniques would be a great research subject. Here is the a note for three layers, machine learning categories:
- Layer 1: Classifier (Supervised)
- ADA-Boost, Logistic regression, SVM, Knn, Naive Bayes, decision tree: The classification method is basically trying to find out a point, line or faces split the 2 to N type of elements, based on the feeding training/testing data
- The issue here is we need to extract the “features” from the raw data, rather than a set of raw data. The features should reflect the original data property as possible.
- It would be simple to show the feature in different latent space. For instance, to show a regression line to distinguish the classification question.
- Layer 2: Markov Chain (semi-Supervised)
- Hidden Markov Model (HMM): based on a series of decision process, to find something unknown.
- In Markov model, we need to define the motion as a sequential state, a series of observations. The model is trained for maximum the output probability.
- In [4], the author dealt with the similar issues for a neuron network decision process (control and interaction), a self-explainable approach is still unknown.
- Layer 3: Deep learning (Unsupervised)
- Convolutional neural network (CNN), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Deep Neural Network (DNN): automatically extract features from convolutional, recurrent or deep strategies, plus the method above to train/test the models.
- In the two approaches above, the human needs to extract the features based on some inference. For example, a concept from physics. These features are interpreted by some prior-knowledge. What if in some of the cases, the feature extraction is almost impossible? E.g. The image recognition.
- In this layer, many of the features are not recognizable. In face, we can use "eigen-face" to visualize the image recognition features. For the other domain, it is hard to visualize the features. Furthermore, the state-of-the-art approach combines the classifier in layer 1 and the feature extraction in layer 3. It remains many challenge research topics in algorithm, interface and human perception.
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